Complex system
A complex system can drive up to 16 motors (M0-M15). Each motor controller (A0-A7) is configured as an I2C slave and is assigned a unique address from 0 to 7 using the three address jumpers. The main processor , which is often integrated in the front panel, acts as an I2C master and provides overall control.
The controllers use standard RJ45 jacks for I2C connection. There are two jacks per board, connected in parallel. This way the boards are easily daisy chained using regular 4-wire telephone cable.
This architecture provides a truly versatile solution. The standard VD203 can drive a very broad range of motors rated from 0.7A to 8A. Modifications for larger currents are available upon request.
Many motors have integrated hall sensors that provide number of turns feedback . The VD203 module has two optically isolated inputs for hall sensors, so this feedback is readily available. If turn feedback isn’t used, the free inputs can read standard PNP or NPN optical sensors or mechanical switches. They can be used for material position sensing, “cover open” detection and as general digital inputs.
For diagnostic purposes, each controller has two LEDs: TRAFFIC and STALL.